Take Control of Your Online Experience: Distributed Networks

June 27, 2023

When Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired magazine wrote his 1992 book, Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World, little did he know how his words would come back in prophetic fashion.

“A distributed, decentralized network is more a process than a thing. In the logic of the Net there is a shift from nouns to verbs.”

In a matter of 31 years, distributed networks are more than a process, thing, noun and verb. Distributed networks are simply imperative in today’s online world.

No matter if you are a college student using a cloud platform to save essays or photos from a memorable party or a media conglomerate servicing millions of customers around the world, it can seem out of sight, out of mind to place emphasis on the importance of securely storing files or media.

After all, without proper cybersecurity, it is more than just embarrassment that a user can feel if their data or media, stored on their mobile device or computer, falls into the wrong hands. For the big media companies, it was more than a matter of inconvenience in the case of Sony in 2011.

As reported in a Reuters article on Dec. 8, 2014, Sony’s PlayStation network fell victim to the theft of data belonging to 77 million users. In other words, Sony lost about $171 million from this attack as Jason Schreier wrote in a Wired article on May 23, 2011.

Cybersecurity may not seem the most prominent intangible that comes to an online user’s mind. To change the narrative with this, consider each footprint left online as leaving a computer unlocked in a public setting or not password- protecting your smartphone.

Just as a hockey team pulls their goalie, the opposing team has it made with the open look at the unoccupied net. Improperly secured networks are no different.

Every aspect of the online experience should be enjoyable but safe. Storing media and files in a secure way through a distributed network is the optimal solution.

How does a distributed network come into play in these instances? Much like allgram’s motto, it puts the users back in “The Driver’s Seat.” Surf the web rather than letting the internet rip-tide information about you.

For starters, as Andrew Froehlich wrote in a July 2022 article for TechTarget, this kind of network consists of multiple, independently run networks, collectively managed and geographically separated, to provide a better, more reliable experience with points of presence.

This approach results in optimum performances for the users, ultimately meaning a more secure, efficient environment for those precious family photos or confidential business proposals saved on a computer or tablet.

As for those threatening countless users’ cybersecurity, the white flag can be waived in this case. There is not a single point nor central server with the allgram app for data and files to be nabbed by those with malicious intent.

For the most secure experience with data and file storage through an app, download allgram on Apple’s App Store or Google Play for Android users today!

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